
Procedures / Conditions of Entry

BIS serves children from both the overseas and local community. Priority of admission is according to order of application. In principle we are a non-selective school but in practice we only accepts students if we feel we can cater for their personal, social, academic and physical needs. However, some places are reserved for expatriate children whose parents bring them from outside the country during the course of the academic year.

Application forms

These may be obtained from Admissions, where completed forms should be returned. A tour of the school can be arranged by appointment.

Admissions Policy

Parents may register any time. Once the registration has been accepted and validated by means of the school stamp, it is a guarantee of a certain place. Applications will be considered in strict order according to the date of application. In the event of over-subscription, pupils will be given preference in the following year’s admissions.

Preference is also given to siblings of current or past pupils.

Future cases of over-subscription could result in the establishment of an entrance examination by competition.

1. Completion of the application form;

2. Submission of previous school reports and and other documentary evidence;

3. Written assessment tests in Maths and English and interview;

4. Additional spoken and written EAL and SEN assessments where necessary;

5. A place may be offered to a child based on a Learning Support Consultant supporting

the child at parents’ cost;

6. Placement may be deferred, for instance if there are no vacancies or if we cannot provide for a child’s needs. Parents can reapply in 6 months time.

Knowledge of English

Students who join BIS with less than a fluent working knowledge of English may need additional support. For the final four years (Grade 9-12, Years 10-13), due to the greater academic pressures, students whose English is not fluent are assessed by personal interview to see whether there is a course available for them.

Students with Special Educational Needs

Acceptance is conditional upon the availability of resources and may incur additional charges.

Placement in the school

Children joining BIS from other systems are placed in the class which will ensure their best progress. Each class will tend to have an age span wider than one year, but normally less than two years. There is one mixed ability classes in each level from Pre-kindergarten upwards. Some subjects organise students into sets. Above Grade 6 a system of options allows for individual differences, as far as is practical. Students graduate from one year to another automatically, unless there are exceptional circumstances.The academic standards at all levels are high and especially Grade 5 and above and expectations are high. Placement depends on fluency in English and past educational background as well as ability.